
Academia is Surveillance

To come right out with it: Transparency is scary. Note, this is quite a weird statement for me to make. I have publicly advocated for more transparent research, I have published about it.

2 Years ReproducibiliTea Aalto

Today, 2 years ago we started the ReproducibiliTea chapter Aalto (then AERIS). In this post I want to briefly reminisce over that time, about what I learned, and what tips I would give to others who have or might want to start a journal club.

NHST at CHI Play - A few months later

So in April we submitted a paper about the state of NHST and QRPs at CHI PLAY. At the end of July we published the accepted Preprint, and now it will is officially published. I want to use this post to talk about the behind the scenes of the paper a bit, discuss two papers that came out in the meantime and pick up some discussions I had at CHI PLAY.

Comparing Player Experience and Empirical Aesthetic Models...

...and why it matters: A short overview of the Player Experience and Empirical Aesthetic perspective on videogames

Videogames in Empirical Aeshtetics

A brief discussion of how videogames could be studied in empirical aesthetics.

How to get a BEST prior from a known effect size

As I had massive problems finding a clear instruction on how to turn a known effect size into a prior for a BEST (Kruschke 2013) analysis, I decided to write a short tutorial on how I managed it myself.